Multi Tap RCA

  • Cusack Music Multi Tap RCA
Product #: 186012
Brand: Cusack Music
Series: Cusack Music Boxes
Category: Single Channel Footswitches


The Tiny Tap Delay is the Never Off Series* version of the Tap-A Delay. All the features of the Tap-A-Delay in a package half the size of a Screamer! You read that right, a fully featured Tap A Delay that is a quarter of the size of the original. *Cusack ?Never Off Series? pedals do not come equipped with true bypass switches or battery power capability. These products are meant to work with a switcher system.
Special offer limited to existing stock.
CHF 35.00CHF 49.00
Availability:  <h3>Availability</h3><span><span class="green">1 unit <b>in stock</b></span></span> 1 unit in stock