Super Russian

  • Wren and Cuff Super Russian
Product #: 234432
Brand: Wren and Cuff
Category: Distortion Pedals


The Wren and Cuff Super Russian combines a Muff section and a transparent germanium buffered boost section in an extremely versatile effects pedal. The Muff side is basically a Wren and Cuff Tall Font Russian fuzz (a precise recreation of the first green Tall Font Muff pedals built in Russia) with some little tweaks and adjustments. The fuzz provides a tight low-end with overdriven compression and a present and clear treble range, mixed with a legendary tone and a slight gritty edge and a rudeness, which is not found in the 'Civil War' Muffs. Compared to the standard Tall Font Russian fuzz, the Muff side of the Super Russian has a bit more output volume and comes with a toggle switch for the EQ setting that selects between the characteristic Muff mid-scoop and a flat EQ setting in the mids. The fuzz section also features the fabled 'Creamy Dreamer' mod to send things into a rich hyper-drive on command. The buffer-boost side is a separate crystal-clear transparent germanium buffered boost, placed before the Muff section to push things even harder if needed. This buffered boost can also be used on its own as a beautiful tool to beef up the clean tone or to use it to push another pedal later down the chain.
CHF 228.00CHF 257.00
Availability:  <h3>Availability</h3><span><span class="red">Will be ordered for you as quick as possible</span></span> Will be ordered for you as quick as possible