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Martin AP Guitar Polish

Prodotto Pulizia Chitarra
  • Martin AP Guitar Polish
CHF 21.55
Spedizione gratuita in Svizzera a partire da CHF 50.-
Product Rating4.3 da 5 | 1 recensione |   Scrivi una recensione


Dettagli del prodotto
Numero prodotto 154226
Marca Martin
Categoria Prodotto Pulizia Chitarra
Marchi Martin - Prodotti Pulizia Chitarra
Classifica della rilevanza 41 di 47
Data luglio 2012
Profondità della confezione 233mm
Altezza della confezione 127mm
Peso lordo 0.36kg

Recensioni (1)

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1 cliente
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Lucentezza assicurata

Lucentezza assicurata. Toglie impronte e macchie di sudore.
Sicuramente da provare


For well over a century and a half, The Martin Guitar Company has been continuously producing acoustic instruments that are acknowledged to be the finest in the world. The Martin Guitar Company has, through the years, managed to survive with each succeeding generation from C. F. Martin, Sr.’s Stauffer influenced creations of the 1830s to recent developments introduced by C. F. Martin IV. Continuous operation under family management is a feat bordering on the remarkable, reflecting six generations of dedication to the guitarmaker’s craft. In or out of the music industry, C. F. Martin has few rivals for sheer staying power. Throughout its colorful history, the company has adapted successfully to continual changes in product design, distribution systems, and manufacturing methods. In spite of the many changes, C. F. Martin has never veered away from its initial commitment to quality. The concern for producing the finest instruments possible in 1833 is especially evident today at Martin’s expanded facility in Nazareth, Pennsylvania. The story behind one of America’s most famous guitars began on January 31, 1796, in Markneukirchen, Germany, with the birth of Christian Frederick Martin, Sr. Born into a long line of cabinet makers, Christian Frederick took up the family craft at the early age of 15, when he left his hometown and traveled to Vienna to apprentice with Johann Stauffer, a renowned guitar maker.
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