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Vater Phat Ride

Baquetas 5A
  • Vater Phat Ride
EUR 20.90
Incl. VAT. Free delivery in Portugal from EUR 199
O popular modelo Phat Ride de Vater agora é oferecido em uma versão Sugar Maple . Mesmas dimensões do modelo Hickory, mas feito em Sugar Maple para um peso mais leve e toque mais macio.
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O cone rápido para uma ponta redonda de tamanho médio produz um som limpo em pratos de condução. Um bastão muito versátil.


Detalhes do produto
Número de produto 174346
Marca Vater
Série Sugar Maple
Categoria Baquetas 5A
Categoria Vater - 5A / Médio
Classificação de relevância 43 of 124
Data julho 2014

Informação Série

Sugar Maple brings out a mature, soft and sweet voice from drums and cymbals. Drummers can enjoy the feel of a big stick but without the weight of a Hickory model. The "Sugar Maple Series" of models is perfect for drummers who often find themselves having to play in smaller venues where low-volume is key.

Why Sugar Maple? Because of the Sugar Maple wood species' short growth season in the Northern regions of America, it is the most solid and dense of all Maple species. In fact, Sugar Maple is one of the strongest hardwoods in the world. These Sugar Maple properties combined with Vater's unique quick vacuum drying process, makes for a drumstick that is lightweight yet durable and exceptionally responsive. Unlike the commonly used heated kiln drying process that can take up to 4 weeks at temperatures of up to 120 degrees Fahrenheit, Vater's vacuum drying takes no more than 24 hours. Vacuum drying is a much more uniform and stable procedure, which results in a much whiter and more durable wood because of the lack of heat used to dry the wood.
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